Konsten bakom Svensk Döstädning
I focus on helping homeowners and businesses remove clutter, organzize, and guide them through the process of Swedish Death Cleaning. All with the goal of creating a harmonious home and reduce stressors within various spaces.
I have developed various methods and systems on how to efficiently de-clutter a home, and utilize the Swedish Death Cleaning principle in much of my work.
A known concept in Sweden it has been passed down from generation to generation and is a well known Swedish practice. It is based on assessing your life and evaluating if what surrounds you serves you or your family. By removing the baggage and excess around us, we are able to lighten the baggage within, subsequently resulting in an environment that encourages personal growth. Additionally I ensure that once my clients die, they have all affairs in order, and don’t overwhelm their successors with an unorganized, cluttered and overwhelming estate.

När är det dags att börja Döstäda?
Swedish Death Cleaning occurs at various transitional stages in life, but often occurs as one starts to think about Death and mortality. Often times persons are stuck in their grief when a loved one has died, or in their fear of death. Everything becomes overwhelming, and the person is then stuck. This is where I come in and gently guide them through each step. To be able to work with SDC requires knowledge of how we humans’ function in the phase of change.
Swedish Death Cleaning is about so much more than buying new plastic boxes and organizing things or just cleaning your home. You go through your whole life during the process, and need to be led through it by an experienced cleaner. My background in Design, Organizing, Management and Personal Growth has culminated in becoming an expert and professional Swedish Death Cleaner.
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